Mommy Makeover Before & After Gallery
Age 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60
Weight 141-175 176-200 Less than 140 Over 200
Height 5' 3"-5' 6" 5' 7"-5' 10" Less than 5' 2" Over 5' 10"
Follow-up duration 4-6 7-12 Less than 3 Over 12
Implant size 201-400 401-600 601-800
Bra Cup Before Surgery 32A 32DD 34A 34B 34DD 36B 36C 36DD 36DDD 36F 38DD 40D A B C D b
Kids? Yes Yes
32 year old patient before abdominoplasty, flank liposuction, and bilateral mastopexy-augmentation
2 months post-op with 330cc high profile silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before abdominoplasty, flank liposuction, and bilateral mastopexy-augmentation
2 months post-op with 330cc high profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy-augmentation, abdominoplasty and flank liosuction
2 months post-op with 340cc low profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy-augmentation, abdominoplasty and flank liosuction
2 months post-op with 340cc low profile silicone gel implants
48 year old patient before lipoabdominoplasty with flank and posterior liposuction and mastopexy augmentation
2 months post-op with 485cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
48 year old patient before lipoabdominoplasty with flank and posterior liposuction and mastopexy
9 months post-op with 485cc moderate projection silicone gel implants
49 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, lipoabdominoplasty and liposuction of later flanks and posterior flanks and trunk
6 months post-op
49 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, lipoabdominoplasty and liposuction of later flanks and posterior flanks and trunk
6 months post-op
30 year old patient before bilateral mastopex augmentation, lower body lift and liposuction of inferomedial buttocks, bilateral hips and superior posterior thighs
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
30 year old patient before bilateral mastopex augmentation, lower body lift and liposuction of inferomedial buttocks, bilateral hips and superior posterior thighs
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
30 year old patient before bilateral mastopex augmentation, lower body lift and liposuction of inferomedial buttocks, bilateral hips and superior posterior thighs
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, right periareolar mastopexy and abdominopasty with hernia repair
6 months post-op with 350cc high profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, right periareolar mastopexy and abdominoplasty with hernia repair
6 months post-op with 350cc high profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, right periareolar mastopexy and abdominoplasty with hernia repair
6 months post-op with 350cc high profile silicone gel implants
35 year old patient before bilateral submuscular breast augmentationwith bilateral inverted nipple correction and abdominoplasty with rectus diastasis correction
6 months post-op
35 year old patient before bilateral submuscular breast augmentationwith bilateral inverted nipple correction and abdominoplasty with rectus diastasis correction
6 months post-op
35 year old patient before bilateral submuscular breast augmentationwith bilateral inverted nipple correction and abdominoplasty with rectus diastasis correction
6 months post-op
39 year old patient before removal of implants and replacement with silicone gel implants, lateral capsulorrhaphy, revision abdominoplasty with excision of abdominal skin and abdominal and flank liposuction.
6 months post-op with 450cc silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before removal of implants and replacement with silicone gel implants, lateral capsulorrhaphy, revision abdominoplasty with excision of abdominal skin and abdominal and flank liposuction.
6 months post-op with 450cc silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before removal of implants and replacement with silicone gel implants, lateral capsulorrhaphy, revision abdominoplasty with excision of abdominal skin and abdominal and flank liposuction.
6 months post-op with 450cc silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation and lipoabdominoplasty
2 months post-op with 280cc low profile silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation and lipoabdominoplasty
2 months post-op with 280cc low profile silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation and lipoabdominoplasty
2 months post-op with 280cc low profile silicone gel implants
27 year old patient before bilateral partial subpectoral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
27 year old patient before bilateral partial subpectoral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
6 months post-op
27 year old patient before bilateral partial subpectoral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
6 months post-op
36 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, abdominoplasty with mons pubis anchoring, umbilicoplasty and liposuction of posterior and lateral flanks, medial thighs and posterio-superior thighs
14 mo post-op
36 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, abdominoplasty with mons pubis anchoring, umbilicoplasty and liposuction of posterior and lateral flanks, medial thighs and posterio-superior thighs
14 months post-op
36 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, abdominoplasty with mons pubis anchoring, umbilicoplasty and liposuction of posterior and lateral flanks, medial thighs and posterio-superior thighs
6 months post-op
35 year old patient before augmentation-mastopexy and lower body lift
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
35 year old patient before augmentation-mastopexy and lower body lift
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
35 year old patient before augmentation-mastopexy and lower body lift
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
35 year old patient before augmentation-mastopexy and lower body lift
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation and abdominoplasty with rectus plication
2 months post-op with 375cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation and abdominoplasty with rectus plication
2 months post-op with 375cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation and abdominoplasty with rectus plication
2 months post-op with 375cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
43 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float, liposuction of posterior trunk, inferior buttocks, superior thighs, superolateral thighs, medial thighs, flanks and inguinal region
6 months post-op
43 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float, liposuction of posterior trunk, inferior buttocks, superior thighs, superolateral thighs, medial thighs, flanks and inguinal region
6 months post-op
28 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and flank liposuction
6 months post-op with 445cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
28 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and flank liposuction
6 months post-op with 445cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
28 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and flank liposuction
6 months post-op with 445cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral subglandular breast augmentation, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and mons pubis reduction
6 months post-op with 495cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral subglandular breast augmentation, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and mons pubis reduction
6 months post-op with 495cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
45 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, abdominoplasty and liposuction of medial and lateral thighs, flanks and posterior trunk
6 months post-op
45 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, abdominoplasty and liposuction of medial and lateral thighs, flanks and posterior trunk
6 months post-op
45 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, abdominoplasty and liposuction of medial and lateral thighs, flanks and posterior trunk
6 months post-op
42 year old patient before flank liposuction and high lateral tension abdominoplasty
6 months post-op
42 year old patient before high lateral tension abdominoplasty, bilateral subglandular breast augmentation, and flank liposuction
6 months post-op
42 year old patient before high lateral tension abdominoplasty, bilateral subglandular breast augmentation, and flank liposuction
6 months post-op
40 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, bilateral nipple reduction and extended abdominoplasty
12 months post-op
40 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, bilateral nipple reduction and extended abdominoplasty
12 months post-op
40 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy, bilateral nipple reduction and extended abdominoplasty
12 months post-op
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation with fat grafting, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and reset, liposuction to bilateral buttock, bilateral upper thigh, bilateral flank and extensive abdomen
12 months post-op with 360cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation with fat grafting, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and reset, liposuction to bilateral buttock, bilateral upper thigh, bilateral flank and extensive abdomen
12 months post-op with 360cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation with fat grafting, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and reset, liposuction to bilateral buttock, bilateral upper thigh, bilateral flank and extensive abdomen.
12 months post-op with 360cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation with fat grafting, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and reset, liposuction to bilateral buttock, bilateral upper thigh, bilateral flank and extensive abdomen
12 months post-op with 360cc extra high silicone gel implants
46 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical breast reduction, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and mons pubis reduction and bilteral flank and posterior liposuction
6 months post-op
46 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical breast reduction, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and mons pubis reduction and bilteral flank and posterior liposuction
6 months post-op
46 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical breast reduction, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and mons pubis reduction and bilteral flank and posterior liposuction
6 months post-op
40 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical breast reduction, high lateral tension abdominoplasty and liposuction of thighs and posterior and lateral flanks
6 months post-op
40 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical breast reduction, high lateral tension abdominoplasty and liposuction of thighs and posterior and lateral flanks
6 months post-op
40 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical breast reduction, high lateral tension abdominoplasty and liposuction of the thighs and posterior and lateral flanks
6 months post-op
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and mons pubis reduction, liposuction off flanks, superiolateral breasts and posterior trunk
6 months post-op
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and mons pubis reduction, liposuction of flanks, superiolateral breasts and posterior trunk
6 months post-op
39 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation, abdominoplasty with umbilicoplasty and mons pubis reduction, liposuction of flanks, superiolateral breasts and posterior trunk
6 months post-op
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
9 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
9 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
9 months post-op
54 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty,
6 mo post-op
54 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty, mons pubis reduction and axillary liposuction
6 months post-op
54 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty, mons pubis reduction and axillary liposuction
6 months post-op
39 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and rectus diastasis correction, and liposuction of lateral and poterior flanks and lateral truck
6 months post-op with 605cc and 700cc silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and rectus diastasis correction, and liposuction of lateral and poterior flanks and lateral truck
6 months post-op with 605cc and 700cc silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with umbilical float and rectus diastasis correction, and liposuction of lateral and poterior flanks and lateral truck
6months post-op with 605cc and 700cc silicone gel implants
51 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastipexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with abdominal and flank liposuction, umbilical hernia repair and rectus plication
2 months post-op
51 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with abdominal and flank liposuction, umbilical hernia repair and rectus plication
2 months post-op
51 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy, high lateral tension abdominoplasty with abdominal and flank liposuction, umbilical hernia repair and rectus plication
User comments
45 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
2 months post-op with 415cc high profile silicone gel implants
45 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
2 months post-op with 415cc high profile silicone gel implants
45 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
2 months post-op with 415 cc silicone high profile silicone gel implants