Mastopexy Augmentation Before & After Gallery
Age 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60
Weight 141-175 176-200 Less than 140 Over 200
Height 5' 3"-5' 6" 5' 7"-5' 10" Less than 5' 2" Over 5' 10"
Follow-up duration 4-6 7-12 Less than 3 Over 12
Implant size 201-400 401-600 601-800
Bra Cup Before Surgery 32DD 32F 34B 34C 34DD 36B 36C 38B 38C 40D A B C DDDD
Kids? No Yes Yes
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy-augmentation
2 months post-op with 330cc high profile silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy-augmentation
2 months post-op with 330cc high profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
6 months post-op with 375cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
6 months post-op with 375cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral augmentation mastopexy
2 months post-op with 340cc low profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral augmentation mastopexy
2 months post-op with 340cc low profile silicone gel implants
55 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation with left nipple inversion correction.
10 months post-op with 440cc silicone gel implants
55 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation with left nipple inversion correction.
10 months post-op with 440cc silicone gel implants
48 year old patient before mastopexy augmentation
6 months post-op with 485cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
48 year old patient before mastopexy augmentation
6 months post-op with 485cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation.
2 months post-op with 280cc low profile silicone gel implants
32 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation.
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
42 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy-augmentation with axillary liposuction
6 months post-op with 560cc smooth round silicone gel implants
30 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
30 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
2 months post-op with 280cc low profile silicone gel implants
22 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
2 months post-op with 400cc extra full profile silicone gel implants
22 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
2 months post-op with 400cc extra full profile silicone gel implants
42 year old patient before bilateral augmentation-mastopexy
6 months post-op with 350cc high profile silicone gel implants
42 year old patient before bilateral augmentation-mastopexy
6 months post-op with 350cc high profile silicone gel implants
35 year old patient before mastopexy-augmentation
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
35 year old patient before mastopexy-augmentation
6 months post-op with 400cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
53 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
2 months post-op
53 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
2 months post-op
39 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy augmentation with smooth, round silicone implants in a subglandular plane
6 months post-op with 605cc and700cc silicone gel implants
39 year old patient before bilateral circumvertical mastopexy augmentation with smooth, round silicone implants in a subglandular plane
6 months post-op with 605cc and700cc silicone gel implants
52 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
3 months post-op with 365cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
52 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
3 months post-op with 365cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
60 year old patient before bilateral augmentation-mastopexy
6 months post-op with 415cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
60 year old patient before bilateral augmentation-mastopexy
6 months post-op with 415cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and circumvertical mastopexy
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
34 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation and circumvertical mastopexy
6 months post-op with 510cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation through periaerolar incision and periaerolar mastopexy
20 months post-op with 385cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
33 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation through periaerolar incision and periaerolar mastopexy
20 months post-op with 385cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
47 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation in subpectoral pocket and bilateral periareolar mastopexy
12 months post-op with 370ccextra high profile silicone gel implants
47 year old patient before bilateral breast augmentation in partial subpectoral pocket and bilateral periareolar mastopexy
12 months post-op with 370cc extra high profile silicone gel implants
55 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
7 months post-op with 355cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
55 year old patient before bilateral mastopexy augmentation
7 months post-op with 355cc moderate profile silicone gel implants
33 year old before Mastopexy Augmentation
12 months post-op with 385cc low profile silicone gel implants