It is that time of year. You know what we mean. The day of reckoning. Or rather the month of reckoning, when we look in the mirror and have to face all that we ate from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. We thought we would have worked it off by now–we went “power shopping,” on Black Friday right?–but too much has remained. The weight that won’t go away.
Did you know that any one can have fatty pockets that do not respond to dieting and exercise? This is called “lipodystrophy,” where the body develops abnormal fat deposits. While a balanced diet and regular exercise are critical to a healthy lifestyle, sometimes an individual will find that these alone will not reduce troublesome pockets of fat. These pockets are typically around the flanks (“love handles”), stomach, hips (“saddlebags”), lower buttocks, bra line, thighs, and/or upper arms. These fatty pockets may impact even the healthiest individuals, including people who are in otherwise great condition.
Liposuction can be a positive solution for these pesky fat pockets. This is a minimally invasive procedure that will reduce or eliminate the fat cells, resulting in a more pleasing body contour. It is also frequently combined with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck, a breast reduction, a breast augmentation, a thigh lift, an arm lift, or even a facelift. Scars are typically well hidden and fade over time, and patients usually return to work within a few days to a week.
If you think that this procedure might be a good fit for you, please contact our office to schedule an appointment. Our cosmetic consultations are free, and we would be happy to answer all of your questions. (You may also want to visit our liposuction page for more in depth information, at
Please call us at 406.577.2346 or email us at We look forwarding to hearing from you!