Mole Removal: Don’t Try This At Home!

Have you ever looked at yourself and thought, “Hmm, I wonder what I would look like if I got this mole removed?” If you have, you are not alone. The average person has 30-40 moles, and in the United States there are more than 200,000 cases per year of mole related problems. 

In many cases, moles are just cosmetic annoyances. For centuries people have marketed remedies, creams, and salves promising to make moles disappear. Today, the internet is full of information, home remedies and “simple tricks”–everything from Apple Cider Vinegar to Tea Tree oil–all promising to remove moles “overnight.” Although these home remedies sound like an easy way to get rid of your mole, they are in fact more dangerous than they are helpful. Typically these remedies only remove the top layer of the mole. It might look like the mole is going away, but in fact the deep roots of the mole may still be in the dermis layer of the skin. Not only might the pesky mole come back, there may now be scarring or burns from the initial home treatment.

Most of us think of moles as part of our overall “look,” but it is important to remember that moles can also represent serious health concerns. If you have a rapidly growing mole, an irregularly shaped mole, or other skin patterns that you don’t recognize, this can signify an increased risk of skin cancer, colon cancer, or other medical problems. The only effective way to remove any subsurface growth is through surgical removal. The removal of the mole is typically performed in the office and is a relatively fast procedure.

Dr. McDaniel is a board-certified plastic surgeon, and knows the medical criteria for identifying concerning moles or skin anomalies. If one is found, he will carefully remove it and meticulously suture the area to minimize scarring.  A minimal degree of scarring may appear, but these scars typically fade over time and blend to match the color of the surrounding skin. (If you are worried about scarring, you may find our blog on how to treat scars helpful.) The removed mole is sent to the lab for a bioposy, which will test for medical issues such as skin cancer. Insurance companies typically allow for mole removal, and our knowledgeable staff will happy to assist you if your insurance company requires pre-authorization. (For more information on our financial and insurance policies, please go to

Early detection of problematic moles and skin lesions can be critical to your overall health. If you or one of your family members has a mole that is concerning to you, don’t wait! Play it safe, and have the mole examined.

We are here to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us through the web at or by calling our office at 406.577.2346.




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